Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Two Facts and One Opinion

Two Facts and One Opinion
I have waited a period of time to comment on the outcome of Initiative 42. To say the least, I was deeply disappointed with the results, but to quote the Apostle Paul, “We are perplexed, but not in despair.” (2 Corinthians 4:8)

Based on the outcome and history, I would like to offer two undisputable facts and one opinion.

First, the facts:
Fact Number 1 -This was one of the closest statewide election results in recent history. Even the hotly contested Attorney General’s race was not this close – the loser, Hurst, got 44% of the vote, while 48% voted yes to amend the Constitution for Initiative 42. The last tight governor’s race was in 2003 when Musgrove received 46% of the vote. Take heart education supporters, Initiative 42 missed approval by a razor thin margin.
Fact Number 2 - These close results mean there is a growing coalition of voters who value public education and want it adequately funded.  Legislators and other elected officials would make a grave error to read the results of this election as a mandate to continue disregarding the legislatively approved K-12 funding formula. The leaders of our state would be well served to understand that over 200,00 citizens signed the petition to get it on the ballot and over 300,000 voted to amend the Constitution. 

Now, my opinion:

Based on conversations with many people who can read and think at high levels, the ballot was convoluted and confusing. I had a conversation with three ladies at a local sandwich shop who wanted to support Initiative 42 but were totally confused about how to make that happen. Another man said he was for 42 and skipped the first part, went to the second part and voted for 42. If only 4% of the Pro 42 voters were confused and did not mark the ballot correctly, that would have changed the outcome of the election. You might suggest that people on the other side of the issue could have been confused by the ballot, but remember they had two chances to vote against 42, while we supporters had to correctly vote for it twice to have our voices heard. My opinion is that the people elected to represent us devised this confusing ballot, and it was done to thwart the will of the people they represent. If my opinion is correct, the voters will figure it out, and our coalition will only grow.

During World War 2, Winston Churchill  proclaimed, "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." To paraphrase I think we are only beginning.

Impact Education Group