Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Career Crucibles

Ancient alchemist thought that if they heated certain metals to sufficiently high temperatures in a crucible, the process would transform those metals into precious gold.

While that proposed process was an abject failure, modern leadership  theories suggest times of crisis- fiery crucibles that seem to be common to all great leaders and are many times "turning points" in those leaders' careers - are opportunities for refining leadership skills.

Bennis and Thomas' research indicates that success in leadership "has something to do with the different ways that people deal with adversity. Put another way, the skills required to conquer adversity and emerge stronger and more committed than ever are the same ones that make extraordinary leaders."

Think about a time in your career when you were in a fiery crucible. Did your leadership skills improve? Did you come out of the crucible a stronger leader?

Many of us can site times in our career when we went through a period of severe testing. While most of us will never enjoy these tough times, research confirms their value in making us better equiped leaders.

So take heart, leader, when you are in the midst of a fiery crucible. It could be your best opportunity to become an extraordinary leader.

"Crucibles of Leadership" by Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas in HBR'S 10 Must Reads On Leadership, 2011, pgs. 97-114.

Impact Education Group